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Supplements for Depression and Anxiety

Our diets are not what they used to be. We eat a lot of processed foods that have been stripped of key nutrients. Even if you eat healthy, it is very unlikely that you could “right the wrongs” of a nutritional imbalance, without supplementing your diet. There is an overwhelming amount of documented research to suggest that many people can find adequate support for their mental health concerns through simple dietary supplementation (herbs, vitamins, and amino acids).  Supporting Research…>

People often forget that the brain is an organ, and just like your heart, liver or lungs, needs certain nutrition to function properly.  The botanicals in the Protazen® system have been used for centuries in "Eastern Medicine" to promote mental wellness, while the Amino Acids have more recently gained popularity (both in the US and Europe) over the last 30 years.  Protazen®’s products have been specifically formulated to promote and support balanced brain function.

Click Here to Buy Supplements for Depression and Anxiety

Imitation and/or counterfeit products found on Amazon are not genuine Protazen®.

Protazen® contains NO St. John's Wort!

No St. John's WortAlthough St. John’s Wort may work for a select few, we believe that Amino Acid supplementation will benefit a much broader spectrum of the population with much less risk for complications.  In fact, there was a study done by the National Institutes of Health that indicates St. John's Wort is not effective.  Additionally, there's a FDA Public Health Advisory sighting risks associated with St. John’s Wort and its interaction with many prescription drugs used to treat heart disease, depression, seizures, certain cancers, HIV, and transplant rejection.  It can also interfere with the effectiveness of oral contraceptives (birth control).  Amino Acids produce much fewer and milder side effects because they are not foreign to the body.

Jim Carrey* speaks out about “L-Tyrosine & 5-HTP,” both of which can be found in the Protazen® system of supplements.

*Larry King, Jim Carrey, and CNN are not affiliated with Life Herbal, nor do they endorse the Protazen® brand.

What causes me to feel depressed and anxious?

What causes me to feel depressed and anxious?

Neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain), including dopamine, other catecholamines, and serotonin, help regulate our moods and emotions. Depressed and/or anxious people tend to have lower levels of these chemicals. Brains cells require specific nutrients to produce neurotransmitters. If the amounts of these key nutrients fall below critical levels, the biochemistry of the brain changes, resulting in fatigue, depression, anxiety, irritability, and other symptoms. In many cases, people with blood levels indicating that they lack key nutrients, respond quite well to supplements. Unfortunately, in the U.S. most physicians do not prescribe natural supplements as a treatment for depressive moods, anxiousness, and other health concerns. Supporting research…> 

Although genetics are a big part of the mental health equation, we are also affected by events in our lives. We are all faced with various life stresses that may cause levels of neurotransmitters to fall, temporarily. Those with low chemical levels to begin with, are more likely to experience prolonged depression and/or anxiousness.

Imitation and/or counterfeit products found on Amazon are not genuine Protazen®.

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1 Bourre JM. “effecs of nutrients (in food) on the structure and function of the nervous system update on dietary requirements for brain. Part1: micronutrients.” J Nutr Health Aging. 2006 Sep-Oct; 10(5): 277-85. 2 Anderson GH, Johnston Jl. “Nutrient control of brain neurotransmitter synthesis and function.” Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1983 Mar; 61(3): 271-81. 3Fernstrom JD. “Effects on the diet on brain neurotransmitters.” Metabolism. 1977 Feb; 26(2): 207-23. 4 Wurtman RJ. “Food consumption, neurotransmitter synthesis, and human behavior.” Experientia Supp. 1983; 44:356-69 5 Conlay LA, Zeisel SH. “Neurotransmitter precursors and brain function.” Neurosurgery 1982 Apr; 20(4):524-9